Monday, January 7, 2019

Creativity Therapy Part 1

Introduction:  My Story

In reading articles and watching leading videos on self improvement I have gained priceless tools for working through my own challenges.
They all say "find the thing that is uniquely you and do that", or "follow your dream".  
Recently I enjoyed Anita Moorjani's video about who we would be if no one was watching.  This lead me into deep reflection of my life, emerging with a sense of gratitude that I am indeed being authentically me, without apology.

I believe this is where we have to start, by first finding ourselves, claiming it and then expressing it.  A tall order for most of us.
For me, creativity in general has been the therapeutic vehicle through anything challenging in my life.  When I am creating, I am not "thinking" about anything else because I'm in a zone, which is much deeper than a thought process.  If I do get stuck on something I stop, meditate, do nothing or just do something mindless until it eventually comes to me what to do next.

When I'm working on a project it is like therapy, taking my mind off any challenges I may be facing.
Resilience plays a huge roll too.  I think I am by nature, resilient.  Perhaps from a lifetime of uncontrollable circumstances.  However I got that way I'm grateful, because this is therapeutic in itself.  It's the way "through" anything.  To let go of the unknown, breathe and just allow things to unfold, is a gift.  Perhaps it's like faith.

So what I want to do in this little three part mini blog series, is to explore creativity as therapy.  To ask ourselves some honest questions about who we are now and who we really want to be.  
To find our own unique calling means to open up and let go of who we (or someone else) thought we should be, at any age.  To let go of the judgement and shame that may have been within us for a lifetime.
Some of this wisdom has come to me through reading and watching Brendon Burchard's material.  He puts such an authentic and meaningful spin on rediscovering ourselves.  My breakthrough was to fully embrace myself as a creative being.

I believe that any creative endeavor can help us through challenges and I hope you'll tune in for part 2 and 3, Finding Ourselves and applying The Therapy.

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