Saturday, October 9, 2021

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

 This week I got away for two days and a night, I know it doesn't sound like much but it's all the time I could take away from my business.  Still, it was worth it!  I had been hesitant to go out of town with Covid everywhere, and people acting nuts, but I decided to do it anyway, it had been two years since I even did an over-nighter anywhere.  I did wait till after the last holiday and kids were back in school at least.  Most of the tourists that visit here are gone by October, which is my favorite time of year to travel anyway.  It's Fall, it's cool, it's colorful, and it's wild out on the coast.

Lake Crescent

Ruby Beach

Beach 4
I decided to drive the whole loop of the Olympic Peninsula - in two days.  Most of the trip was done the first day and I did feel a bit rushed but wow, what a great feeling to get out of my comfort zone and see something new!  Trees and rivers and wildlife, oh my!  

I went north from my place on the Hood Canal on 101 up through Sequim, Port Angeles, through gorgeous Crescent Lake and over to Forks.  From there it's pretty desolate and wild but in about 30 minutes there is the ocean! 
Ruby Beach was first on the list, surprisingly crowded for October, but it was sunny and 60 degrees.  I decided to go to Beach 4, luckily only a few folks there.  The tide was coming in and the waves were big and dramatic.  The outgoing surf made a really cool gurgling roar over the beach rocks, fascinating!  I got some video but it just isn't the same as live.
I sat there a while and watched the waves, contemplating my life and my place in the world.  I felt small compared to this majestic ocean, but still valuable and connected.  I knew at that moment that I could do anything I set my mind to.  There weren't any bolts of lightening or burning bushes but the message was clear. 

I think it's important to get out of your immediate surroundings once in a while and experience something completely different.  Unplug from your devices, drive out in the country, go all day or for several days, someplace a bit unfamiliar or at least a place you love and haven't been to for a while. Go alone, no distractions.  

Be open to whatever messages you might get, however subtle, but don't over think it.  I really didn't think about my regular life at all while I was gone, it was a perfect anecdote to my day to day routine.  I did take my phone but no other devices.  I only checked in a couple times a day.  I took a lot of photos and videos with it though, and here's the kicker - I hardly took any real photos with my camera!  That was another decision I made early on - this wasn't a shooting trip.

 By the time I got to my cabin rental it was early evening.  I enjoyed a small meal of foods I brought with me and watched the sun go behind the clouds just before the horizon, so no real sunset, but it was still beautiful. 
The wind blew and it rained overnight, kind of fun actually.  It cleared before I left in the morning and the rest of the day was spent driving home, but not before stopping in the little community of Ocean Shores for some shopping and a drive out to Damon Point.  A latte and a cookie after that and off I went home with a brand new attitude.

So if you're in a bit of a rut, and you're nervous about getting out, just take your hand sanitizer, wipes and mask, and do it anyway.  You won't regret it!  I hope it inspires you as much as it did me.  I came home and began making lists of things I'll be changing - things I'll do less of and things I'll do more of.  the goal here is - more joy, less stress! 

Till next time - keep creating!

1 comment:

  1. When I get stressed, I steal time from my day to day to bead. It is my way of stepping outside of my own head and only concentrate on creating. I don't try to solve life's troubles, or make plans, or re-align priorities. It is a time to breathe and cleanse the detritus of social overload. The only problems I work on are color, patterns, and balance. It is so rewarding and calming.


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